coming soon

Failed Pilot

From the demented mind that brought you SMASHED: THE LIFE AND TWEETS OF DRUNK HULK and KILLING IT comes this ridiculous collection of TV shows that never existed.

Christian A. Dumais

Christian A. Dumais

Christian has written sketch comedy, journalism, comic strips, comic books, short stories, books, academic articles, and more.

He is best known for creating Twitter’s @DrunkHulk, an internet and pop culture sensation which accumulated nearly 200,000 followers.

Drunk Hulk has been featured in various publications like Time, Rolling Stone, Huffington Post, and mentioned on NPR, Comedy Central, and MTV. A collection of Drunk Hulk’s tweet, as well as exclusive behind-the-scenes material, was published as SMASHED: The Life and Tweets of Drunk Hulk.

Other books

Killing It
Go West
Empty Room Lonely Countries
Christian A. Dumais on stage at Vertigo
Christian A. Dumais on stage
Christian A. Dumais on stage at Barbarka
Christian A. Dumais on stage at Vertigo